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Crazy Pics!

Everyone has at least one memory from their past that is totally crazy. A picture says a thousand words that sometimes speech can’t. Here is just one crazy picture with a hilarious backstory!

Coach Clay, 1980

While on a motorbike ride, teenage Thomas Clay attempted to jump onto what he thought was a patch of asphalt, but ended up sinking into a tar pit. Tar you say? Yes, tar.

Not only was he stuck in a tar pit, but he wasn’t alone! He had his kindergarten age cousin on the back riding with him! When they realized that they were stuck, the little cousin jumped off of the bike and ran across a highway to Clay’s aunt and uncle’s house to get help.

His aunt and uncle helped Clay unstick his motorbike from the tar, and this picture was taken. Clay never saw his shoes again, but at least he didn’t lose much skin!

If you have any crazy pictures, please send them to Amelia Sprabary at:

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