English Club VP Helps Launch Newspaper
Senior Amelia Sprabary enjoys her Senior year, helps start a school newspaper, and plans for her future at UNT.

Activities involved in at KHS: Currently, I am Vice President of the English Club, in Prose Interpretation UIL, and a member of the newspaper staff. In the past I was in the band and on the basketball team, and still support them wholeheartedly.
Favorite TV Show: Either How I Met Your Mother or The Office
Favorite Quote:“I exist as I am, that is enough” -Walt Whitman Who is your favorite teacher and why?: My favorite teacher no longer works at Krum, so I won’t name her, but she is my favorite because she is incredibly bright, caring, helpful, and dedicated in a way that I’ve never seen in a teacher before. What has been your greatest challenge in high school: Overcoming the obstacles that I’ve set for myself, eradicating “I can’t” from my vocabulary, and fighting the constant urge to not care. What are your future plans?: My plans include getting a bachelor’s degree in U.S. History with a minor in Government from UNT, then working toward a master’s degree in either Education or Women’s Studies. After I am through with school, my plan is to become a high school teacher, and start a family in a northern state like Montana or upstate New York. What is your advice for Freshmen?: Work hard not only on your schoolwork, but also in developing friendships that will last. Also, don’t get so wrapped up in other people and their lives that you lose yourself; put yourself and your health (physical and emotional) first. Who is your hero and why?: My hero is anyone who stands up for what they believe in, regardless of the consequences.