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New Wing Set to Open

As most people know, the high school is getting a new wing. There is no official moving date yet. “There are still some improvements that need to be made, but once that is done and the furniture is moved, we will be ready to move in,” Principal Michelle Pienziaek said. The math classes will be moving into the new wing once it is finished. Once the math classes have moved out of their old classrooms. “We will have the opportunity to give some teachers their own classrooms, and have more storage,” Pienziaek said. In the new hallway there will be an amazing new lecture hall. This new addition seats about 80 people and will be used for a variety of things, including dual credit, faculty meetings, and AP testing. Since the school was built, this is one of the biggest changes that has been made. Even after this big change, Pienziaek acknowledged there is always room for improvement. “The eighth grade class this year has 190 students and only 150 will be graduating, so more room will be very helpful next year,” she said. Students and staff are excited for the addition of a new lecture hall, science lab, and classrooms. This new addition to KHS will bring organization, new opportunities, and excitement for learning.

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