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Gentry Volunteers Time

In addition to duties as a football player and athletic student trainer, Junior, Ronnie Gentry, volunteers for the Krum Fire Department. Gentry said that volunteering for the Fire Department is something he always wanted to do, and it is preparing him for his future. Gentry has been with the fire department for over a year. In order to volunteer, you have to be 18 or older, but despite Gentry’s age, the Lieutenant and Captain invited him to volunteer there, and have kept him since. Gentry has to go through a lot of training, not only physical but mental also. The physical training is lifting weights and running, while the mental training is knowing what to do at all times in all circumstances. Firefighters have to expect the unexpected, and must know what to do in situations that change rapidly.

Gentry wants to get hired and work full time at a bigger fire department, but also wants to continue to volunteer for the KFD and work part time for them. Part-time firefighters with the KFD have to be a certified firefighter and at least an EMT. To work full time, one has to be a certified firefighter and a paramedic. The shifts at Gentry’s job are 24 hours on and 48 hours off, meaning he works every third day. With school, he goes every day, and spends the whole weekend there, all while keeping school and academics his priority.

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