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Attendance Rules Explained

In the State of Texas, students are required to attend school 90% of the time. Students can lose credit for a course if they miss more days then they are supposed to. When a student has three absences, either excused or unexcused, a warning letter is sent to the guardian. A second letter is sent after having five absences, and a third is sent after seven. For an absence to be excused, a signed parent note or a doctor’s note must be presented to the attendance clerk within three day of returning to school. If the absences are unexcused, a visit from the Denton County Truancy Officer is scheduled. Students are able to make up the days they missed by attending Saturday School, or the student may have to go to Summer School in order to receive credit that they had lost. Attendance at school can also help to build consistent responsible behavior which may be mirrored in a university or job situation contributing to success in every endeavor. “Come to school whether you “feel” like it or not - it’s worth it!” said Krum High School Attendance Clerk Jacquelyn Beall.

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