The Grammar Gang
English Club Meets Bi-Weekly

The English Club has been meeting since last September, and has a meeting right after school every other Thursday. The club was started last year by Ms.Shmaltz but is now ran by Mr. Jenkins. The president of the English Club is Taylor Stephenson, and the Vice-President is Amelia Sprabary. Some of the members include Jair Flores-Rico, Jamie Whitney, Johanna Drews, Laura Perdue, Mackenzie Freeman, Tatania Rivas, and Trinity Duvall. The English Club was responsible for decorating the English Hall during Halloween. They read and write original works by the students in the club, and provide readers to the elementary school. They are also putting together a literary magazine that will include the works of our students, as well as original photos, art projects, and more. “We are planning a trip to go to a local poetry slam in the next month or two,” said Jenkins. All students are invited to join the English Club.